Educational Resources and Opportunities for Neuroethologists

The ISN is committed to promoting education in Neuroethology at the Undergraduate, Graduate, and Post-graduate levels.  To this aim, we sponsor courses in Neuroethology, provide essays on topics in Neuroethology, and share educational content.  We also sponsor the Bullock Visiting Lecturer Program.

Technical Essays

In addition to these essays written by ISN members, you can find additional information on Scholarpedia.

If you are interested in contributing an essay, contact Christopher Lapine at

Meetings of Interest

Evolving intersecting neural circuits: sensory modalities, postures, movements, expressions, emotions

To register for the meeting and purchase a ticket use the following link:

Spring Virtual Symposium of the J.B. Johnston Club for Evolutionary Neuroscience

Please note that you do not need to be a member of the JBJC club.  The $10 ticket price goes to fund graduate student travel.

Thank you!


Books published by ISN members.

Invertebrate Vision
Eric Warrant and Dan-Eric Nilsson (Eds)
Cambridge University Press 2006

Visual Ecology
Thomas Cronin, Sönke Johnsen, Justin Marshall and Eric Warrant
Princeton University Press 2014

The Ecology of Animal Senses
Gerhard von der Emde and Eric Warrant (Eds)
Springer Nature 2016

Arthropod Brains Evolution
Functional Elegance, and Historical Significance
Nicholas James Strausfeld
Harvard University Press.

Frontiers in Sensing
From Biology to Engineering
F.G. Barth, J.A. Humprey, and M.V. Srinisvasan (Eds)
Springer Verlag

Sensory Perception
Mind and Matter
F.G. Barth, P. Giampieri-Deutsch, H.-D. Klein
Springer Verlag

Nerve Cells and Animal Behaviour
P. Simmons, D. Young
Cambridge University Press

Governing Behavior
Ari Berkowitz
Harvard University Press

Behavioral Neurobiology: An Integrative Approach
Günther K.H. Zupanc
Foreword by Theodore H. Bullock
Oxford University Press

The Bullock Visiting Lecturer Program

The Bullock Visiting Lecture Program supports lecturers to various international, national or regional meetings (e.g., Gottingen Neurobiology meetings, annual meetings of the Society for Neuroscience, Nerve Net meetings, etc.) at which significant amounts of neuroethology research is presented. These lectures are named after Ted Bullock to recognize his significant contributions to neuroethology and to honor him as the founding president of the ISN. To apply for a Bullock visiting lecture, please contact Christopher Lapine (  Decisions will be made on a case-by-case basis by need and resources available.