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ISN is dedicated to supporting research and education in the field of neuroethology. Donating to the ISN helps to support the many travel awards, small research grants, and honors that the society award to members each year. To make a donation, ISN members should login to this website using the username and password associated with your ISN membership, enter the dollar amount for each donation you would like to make, and select "add to cart". You do not need to include the $ sign; that will be entered automatically.

The ISN is a 501c3 not for profit society – Your donations may be tax deductible for USA citizens; please check with your tax advisor. You must be a member or be purchasing a membership to donate.

Inclusion and Diversity Award

The Inclusion and Diversity Committee (IDC) of the International Society for Neuroethology (ISN) is responsible for promoting diversity within the membership and at our congresses, promoting the safety and inclusion of all individuals at ISN meetings and programs, and investigating reported violations of the ISN Code of Conduct.

Presidential Symposium

Donations to this fund supports the ISN Presidental Symposium, which is held each time we have a Congress.

The Future of Neuroethology Fund

We aim to bring together the neuroethology community by promoting sustainable and inclusive ISN academic activities during the off-meeting years and to reinforce the participation of early career students and investigators. Each webinar will provide opportunities to discuss career paths combined with presentations of cutting-edge science by early career ISN members. Donations to this fund will support this webinar series.

Bullock Visiting Lecturer Fund

Funds are available to provide travel support for ISN members invited to give a lecture at neuroethology-themed symposia, workshops, or international conferences.

Capranica Fund

In honor of Robert Capranica -  This donation will provide an annual cash prize for the recognition of outstanding achievement or future promise in the field of Neuroethology.

Developing Neuroethology Fund

ISN supports scientists in non-western countries having trouble acquiring travel funds to attend an ISN Congress.

The Heilgenberg Travel Award Fund

ISN is committed to the education and advancement of students in the field of neuroethology. This fund will be used to support student participation at national and international meetings relating to neuroethology and for student travel to visit laboratories to learn new techniques.

Sponsored Membership Fund

Sponsored members are qualified scientists who pay significantly reduced dues for membership, due to the economic/political conditions in their country of residents. Donations to this fund pay the partially unpaid dues of sponsored members.

The General Fund

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