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Developing Neuroethology Award

Application Deadline: April 15, 2026

The Developing Neuroethology award provides travel support for ISN members from emerging and developing countries to attend and present their work at the International Congress of Neuroethology. The award amount is reimbursement of expenses up to $1500.00 USD. Submission of receipts to the ISN Treasurer is required for reimbursement.

Application Guidelines and Eligibility 

Applications typically include the following:

  1. A preliminary abstract including the names of authors and their institutions
  2. The type of presentation (oral or poster) planned
  3. A brief justification for the request of travel funds
  4. The amount of matching funds available from the applicant’s institution (or, if none, a letter from the PI or the applicant’s Department Chair supporting the request)
  5. A current CV and publication list

Priority is given to members with the greatest need and merits. All applicants will be considered for special membership status (see Membership), and need not apply separately for special membership. Please note that winners of this award who register for the ICN but are unable to attend are eligible for a full refund of their registration.

Applications should be emailed to the ISN Business Office as a single PDF file at

2024 Developing Neuroethology Award Winners

Federico Gascue
University of Buenos Aires

Adriana Migliaro
Universidad de la República

Veronica de la Fuente
Universidad de Buenos Aires

Sonam Chorol
Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER)

Paula Pouso
Universidad de la República

Lautaro Duarte
University of Buenos Aires

Chinmayee Mukunda
National Centre for Biological Sciences

2022 Developing Neuroethology Award Winners

Manal Shakeel
NCBS Bangalore

Sajesh Vijayan
IISER Thiruvananthapuram

Alejandro Cámera
University of Buenos Aires

Alelén Nally
University of Buenos Aires

2018 Developing Neuroethology Award Winners

Anand Krishnan
IISER,  India
Testing the acoustic niche hypothesis in a seasonally changing tropical bird assemblage

Sandeep Kumar
National Brain Research Centre, India
The µ-opioid receptor system modulates the motivation to sing and acoustic features of female-directed song in zebra finches

Francisco Javier Maza
Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Morphology and function of the hemiellipsoid bodies of the crab Neohelice granulata; their role as high-order memory centers

Maria Ines Sotelo
Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Spatial navigation in amphibians: Hippocampal encoding of space based on conspecific vocalizations

2016 Developing Neuroethology Award Winners

Angeles Salles
University of Buenos Aires
NMDA receptor membrance expression during long-term memory consolidation in the central nervous system of the crab Neohelice granulata

Rodrigo Velarde
University of Buenos Aires
The NPY signaling pathway modulates food intake under starvation conditions in adult worker honey bees

Kaveri Indira
India Institute of Science
Matched acoustic reception systems to unusually low frequency calls produced by a paleotropical bushcricket

Harshada Sant
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bangalore, India
Conserved mechanosensory-motor circuits in insect antennae

Past Recipients


Ariadna Cobo Cuan
Havana University, Havana Cuba
Non-Invasive electrophysiology and DPOAE techniques reveal an expanded frequency hearing in moths

Chong Yee Hang
Monash University, Malyasia
Neuronal population-specific circadian and photic regulation of val-opsinA and val-opsinB in the zebrafish

Umesh Mohan
National Centre for Biological Sciences, Bangalore, India
Responses of descending interneurons to mechanical & visual stimuli in Oleander hawk moths

Rossana Perrone
Unidad Bases Neurales de la Conducta, IBCE, Montevideo, Uruguay
Violence vs adaptive aggression in a non-traditional model system

Awards Selection Committee

Other Awards:

Heiligenberg Student Travel Awards

The Capranica Neuroethology Prize

The Young Investigator Awards

Fellow of the International Society for Neuroethology

The Konishi Neuroethology Research Awards

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