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Mosaic Prize

International Society for Neuroethology

Inclusion and Diversity Committee

The 2026 Mosaic Prize

Diversity is essential to maximizing innovation and creativity and to delivering excellence in science. The practice of inclusion refers to intentional, proactive measures contributing to promoting diversity and equity. Without these, and without the individuals actively working to create an inclusive culture, the benefits of diversity are nearly impossible to attain.

The ISN Mosaic Prize seeks to identify and acknowledge individuals in the neuroethology community for their contribution and commitment to improving practices and making the science and research environment more inclusive.

Leading (but not exclusive) criteria:

  • Initiating or leading positive actions or interventions to enable talented individuals of all backgrounds and personal demographics to realize their full potential in science.
  • Acting as a role model or ally in championing inclusion.
  • Raising awareness of workplace diversity and inclusion issues
  • Taking steps to eliminate or reduce incidents of harassment or discrimination against scientists and science students of all backgrounds and personal demographics.

Nomination process

Individuals can be nominated by colleagues or self-nominated. All submissions for the prize should include:

  • A completed online nomination form - accessible HERE.
  • A brief description (up to 500 words) of how the nominee meets one or more of the above criteria.
  • A short resumé highlighting the nominee's qualifications.

Nominations should be submitted by email to the ISN Inclusion and Diversity Committee ( until May 31, 2026.

The IDC will then select the 2026 awardee* and the award will be announced and conferred during the 2026 ISN International Congress.

The Awardee will be further acknowledged by presenting a short account of their vision and contribution, either during the meeting or in the subsequent ISN newsletter.

*current members of the IDC are not eligible

2024 Mosaic Prize Winner

Catherine Carr
University of Maryland

Catherine Carr is Professor of Biology at the University of Maryland, College Park. She earned her BS and first class honors in Zoology from the University of Cape Town in 1977, her MA in Biology from the State University New York at Buffalo in 1978, and her Ph.D. in Neuroscience from University of California San Diego in 1984, where she studied temporal processing in weakly electric fish under the supervision of Walter Heiligenberg. She received the Society for Neuroethology’s Young Investigator Prize in 1984 and completed a postdoctoral fellowship at the California Institute of Technology in 1987 with Mark Konishi, where she worked on sound localization in barn owls. She received an Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship in 1988. She joined the Zoology Department at the University of Maryland, College Park in 1990. There, she and her students work on temporal coding in birds and reptiles. Catherine has also worked at the Marine Biological Laboratory, beginning as an instructor in the Neural Systems and Behavior course in 1990. She was appointed to the faculty of the course in 1995 and was Co-Director from 2000-2004. From 2005-2008 she served as the Grass Foundation Lab Director. She received a Humboldt Senior Research Prize (2004, 2011), was a fellow of the Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg in 2011 and became a fellow of AAAS in 2012. In 2015, she was named Doctoris Honoris Causa by the University of Southern Denmark and Distinguished University Professor at the University of Maryland. Dr. Carr was elected Chair of the Grass Foundation for 2018-2020.

2022 Mosaic Prize Winner

Jose L. Pena

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